Monday, August 22, 2005

To all the students in the Undertanding, Creating and Managing Digital Content in Museum course: First, I hope you managed to get your own blogs set up and are more comfortable with the process of blogging. Second, I realize how unfair it is that you had to post a blog entry when I don't even have one set up yet! So, I am rectifying this, and heck maybe I will even find a picture to put up too. I know blogging reeks a bit of self-satisfaction, but it is also a nice way to get your thoughts someplace too. We probably should be encouraging folks to refine self-expression in written form.
Take a look at this Slashdot article. Do you know what DRM is? It stands for Digital Rights Management, and it is something to think about (do you agree with DRM?) in relation to Intellectual Property. Is DRM something to for Museums to consider? How?


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