Dang! Sorry I am late on this, but time has been limited --- things that should have taken minutes this weekend seemed to take hours. Time is still limited, even now at 11:10pm Sunday, and I will talk enough in class this week (as you all well know by now), so just some very quick thoughts.
The article "Can Museums Capture the Future" is one of my favorites. Reading it again, I am reminded how much of my own philosophy, belief system and approach to being a Curator and museum person has been built from much of this article. We have talked a fair amount about the informatics angle, but we haven't discussed how museums will continue to train students, and how museum management will need to shift with the shifting societal trends - many of them based on technology growth - in our world. We may not get to these questions in the time remaining in this class, but they are worth considering. Those that have some thoughts on these "macro" questions may indeed find their services in demand.
What do you think about the future of museums - and how it relates to our societal needs? Can museums capture the future?
The article "Can Museums Capture the Future" is one of my favorites. Reading it again, I am reminded how much of my own philosophy, belief system and approach to being a Curator and museum person has been built from much of this article. We have talked a fair amount about the informatics angle, but we haven't discussed how museums will continue to train students, and how museum management will need to shift with the shifting societal trends - many of them based on technology growth - in our world. We may not get to these questions in the time remaining in this class, but they are worth considering. Those that have some thoughts on these "macro" questions may indeed find their services in demand.
What do you think about the future of museums - and how it relates to our societal needs? Can museums capture the future?